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Launch HN: Rownd (YC W22) – Add authentication and accounts to any website
109 points by mhamann on March 9, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 110 comments
Hi HN! We’re Matt, Rachel, and Rob, the founders of Rownd (https://rownd.io/). We make it easy for developers to sign up users through a code snippet that adds account creation and authentication to any website or web app—like Stripe for accounts. We made a page for you to try it out: https://rownd.io/hacker-news, and a video to walk you through the flow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7fv17HSYrc.

For example, one of our customers is a film festival. The festival requires everyone who buys a movie ticket to make a user account. That's a big drag on conversion rates and requires technical upkeep. We take care of all that for the festival and make account creation and maintenance less painful for their users, which leads to more ticket sales. Further, the day of the festival, they can text “tickets” to xxxxx (our short code) and we send a specialized magic link so they can log in quickly and see their itinerary and tickets.

Rownd works across all your websites and apps, so (for example) if a user has subscribed to your newsletter, that data automatically gets contributed to their account for your app. No one needs to re-enter their email address!

Turning a website visitor into a user is hard. Turning a waitlist member or a newsletter subscriber into a user is even harder. There is a huge gap between marketing pages (landing pages, blogs, docs) and actual products (web apps and mobile apps). The culprit is the traditional sign-up/login page. Sign-in pages add friction and lose users in your product funnel.

Your marketing pages should transition seamlessly to your actual product, but most sign-up flows act as a giant wall: stop, enter information that the company often already has from previous interactions, verify email/phone, remember your password (hopefully it’s in the password manager!), and finally, if you’re lucky…you’re in.

We eliminate this gap, stitching together user accounts from your startup’s CRM, mailing lists, and database, making authentication work seamlessly across your websites and apps. If a user verifies their email or phone number anywhere (including in marketing emails), we authenticate them everywhere. Visitors and subscribers become account-holding users.

We give you a code snippet for websites (which you add to your footer), and an SDK for web apps, to add authentication. Our “hub” (i.e., our standard sign-in and account management widget, specially designed to look and feel trustworthy) is then visible on your pages, and the account data is available to the browser/app through a simple API. Additionally, if you already have information about that user in other sources, such as CRM/marketing tools (Hubspot, Mailchimp, Airtable, etc), we integrate it into the onboarding/authentication process. The account data is available to your website or app through our browser API, so there is no need to build a backend for user management.

In more detail: We create an anonymous account around any visitor to your website. When a user comes to a site that has the Rownd Hub, a unique ID is created. Any form that is attached will fire that data to our Hub as well. The registration process can take place over several days if a visitor returns periodically. The data is stored in browser memory until they either press the "verify my account" button or click a button or link that is tagged as a Rownd authentication button (a bit like how Discord lets users view a server, but only comment once authenticated). If you link us to relevant data in your CRM, Airtable, or database, we make “claimable accounts” that are initialized from these data sources. Users claim their accounts and sign in with our passwordless authentication (via email or phone number today, but eventually perhaps crypto wallets too!). You can also use our “instant account links” in your own email and SMS campaigns to re-engage with users and bring them back to your app or website, fully authenticated when they arrive.

We are a team of former IBMers that have worked together for years tackling authentication, API management, and data protection. The predecessor to Rownd was a company helping startups comply with data privacy laws. We started to notice some pain around sign-up and onboarding for our own product and were frustrated that our funnel had so many holes in it. Then we realized that other companies were facing similar problems converting their site visitors to users. So, one day during a team discussion, we said “okay, let’s solve that problem!”

Since we’d already built a backend for secure data storage, the account layer was essentially there. We’ve therefore focused on building the layer that streamlines user authentication, connecting data directly to the user’s browser session as well as the custom backends that most products have. In the future, we aim to allow even more seamless, opt-in authentication across different websites as our network grows. We’ve got a ton of new features in mind from mobile app support to a broader array of SDKs to enabling “sign in with crypto.” We’re excited to make this crucial part of the internet easier, more scalable, and more distributed than ever before.

If you’re a developer, please let us know what you think! We’d love to hear your questions, feedback, ideas, and experiences around this space. You can also try Rownd for free at https://rownd.io/hacker-news. We look forward to hearing how we might help developers accelerate building products, and companies speed up growing their user base.

Congrats, looks very promising. I find the pricing page confusing though. First, the "Startup" option is $99. $99 for what? A month? A year? The unit of time is missing. Second, the "Set up a call" button is a turn-off. I don't want to call anyone. I want to simply sign up for the service to try it out, as frictionless as possible. Having to CALL someone in 2022 is exactly the opposite of that.

Hey! I fixed the pricing (added the per month) and added a button to the landing page to "Try it now".

Thank you for your very focused and tactical feedback. Easy to change!

For Authz solutions targeted at HN audience it is way overpriced.

Hey, its Rob from Rownd.

Agree, it is over-priced for simple use-cases. What would be an appropriate price for the hacker news audience? It is far easier for us to lower prices and raise them.

Let me know and I'll change it!

Well it would be awesome to have a free plan for open-source projects :] (apart SMS, which are not cheap) Best,

Will do! Shoot me your email (robert -a-t-- rownd.io), and I'll keep you free upto lets say 1000 monthly users... then we'll chat!

That goes for anyone else!


Apologies for the confusion. The pricing is monthly, but we're lowering it to $49/mo for anyone coming from Hacker News.

I'm a huge fan of self-service as well. Picking up the phone to call someone is like...the last thing I want to do. So 1990s! :-D

We're hard at work making Rownd much more self-service. We'd love to hear more feedback once the process there is a bit smoother!

Well, it seems to me that you're missing out on a potential huge number of signups RIGHT NOW because of this friction. You're in the spotlight, with thousands of guys looking at your offering right now.... and you want them to CALL you? Seriously?

Rob here from Rownd. I just updated it, your feedback was spot on and I added a "try it now" button to the landing page.

Edit: Even better, I updated the call to action at the top of the landing page. Thank you again for your feedback!

Thank you for your feedback and sorry about that.

Try this: https://rownd.io/hacker-news . We'll add a button to the main site!

We are in the transition from "do things that don't scale" to "scale and grow".


This looks cool. Please get a great product marketing manager. It took me 5-6 mins to understand what it is. I'm not a PMM, but for example this could have made things much clearer from the get go:

> We create an anonymous account around any visitor to your website

Doesn't this single sentence sum it up? Anyone who would think about buying an auth service is going to understand the implications of this. I get that you want to pitch why anyone would care, ie the value prop:

> We make it easy for developers to sign up users through a code snippet that adds account creation and authentication to any website or web app—like Stripe for accounts.

But the auth space is filled with... mostly bs products. If you pitch the value prop first, at least in auth, people will roll their eyes won't they? And the Stripe analogy isn't that great. Your value prop is that you make it easy for your customer's end users. Stripe's core value prop to customers is they make it easy for you. Both are valid, but you are sort of conflating things with the analogy.

Thank you for this!

You are absolutely correct. Is it very easy to say the same thing 5 times. I really (sincerely) do appreciate the feedback. Seeing what is important and what resonates is really important and one of the best reasons for a Hacker News launch.

You really found the crux of our g2m a/b testing - appeal to the developer (this is really easy) or appeal to the product manager (this will get you more users, faster).

Hit me up sometime if you want to chat more (would love to pick your brain - robert (a-t) rownd (dot) io. ). Thank you!

Two things in the dev v pm pitch:

1 - if you pitch it to devs for ease of use, there is obvious, direct and existing competition which has been around for years. It's hard to show you are easier to use. It's also going to be a harder pitch for them internally.

2 - there is literally hard $$ of revenue to be had from the pitch to PMs etc because it's actually a pitch to the CEO. More users. CEO is talking to investors/friends/husband/wife: "I just saved my devs 10 hrs upfront and 1 hr per week!" v "I just added X new customers".

> "I just added X new customers".

Pure gold Daniel! Spot on. Makes absolute sense!

> We create an anonymous account around any visitor to your website.

I like this idea. As a user, I hate that companies force me to make an account in situations where I don't want to make an account. It sounds like companies that use your product will allow me to buy products from someone without having to create a damn account.

Accounts are negative value for most customers who don't regularly return. It's a source of friction: who hasn't forgotten the password for a site their rarely go to then decide it's not worth doing the password reset (even if you use a password manager, it might not stay updated for "junk" sites)?

Plus, junk sites are the ones that tend to get pwned, and leak information.

> Accounts are negative value for most customers who don't regularly return. It's a source of friction: who hasn't forgotten the password for a site their rarely go to then decide it's not worth doing the password reset (even if you use a password manager, it might not stay updated for "junk" sites)?

We want the internet to be kind of like Discord's auth, one where you can see what is going on in a server but there are some actions that require verification/authentication. Like you said, if you just want a sneak peak, no reason to verify your email or create a bad password. But if you want to leave a comment, you have to verify.

That is our goal. There are a few different use-cases where no account is great and a few where you may want to create an account.

Buying something from an ecommerse website could be either or. You may want to save some specifics or preferences. Others may need you to create an account to come back, especially if there is critical data being stored. I agree that passwords are dangerous.

We used our own auth to create a "try it out" page on Webflow. We do need an email (but it does not have to be validated) so we can go to our backend and create an App key so you can try the snippet. If you come back, you also do not have to validate, but if you want to go into our app deeper, we have you validate because otherwise, you will not be able to get back after the tokens expire, you use a different browser, etc.

What is really exciting is a world where you can validate without an email or phone number. So you can come back without needing more data.

> Accounts are negative value for most customers who don't regularly return

Don't most ecommerce websites allow you to checkout as a guest?

I think they often do, yes. But I feel like there's often a decision point there for the user. The thought "if I don't create an account, but need to come back later for something (status, returns, questions), can I still get what I need?"

Rownd would essentially eliminate that mental question entirely. You provided an email or phone, therefore you're more than just a guest.

Matt makes a great point.

To emphasis: During check out, they still have you add your email and phone (for receipt, tracking, etc). It is transactional in nature, but the company still has it and likely saves the session with a cookie.

Rownd is trying to fix this: Why not treat everyone like a guest the first time and if they want, when they come back, they can verify phone/email (or wallet in the future) and then the rest is filled in.

99% of the time I "continue as a guest" because it is easier than going through the hassle of email (verify), password (remember or pw manager), and the 9 other questions they ask before you can actually check out.

On the flip side, if my Rownd account is compromised, are all the places it used too?

That is an interesting dilemma. As we grow and the average end-user goes from 1 to 5 to 10-20 sites that is being protected by Rownd, we will enforce greater and greater authentication schemes for Rownd.

The truth is, if your email is compromised right now, most sites will be compromised since "lost password" fall backs are sent over email. 2FA is the way to go into the future.

The heart of this issue is around how to authenticate users quickly and securely.

Great idea. I'm your target customer. My feedback: you've got a stellar opportunity for your home page, to add a big "Try It Now" button. And you already have the functionality in your "Log In" link-- just make it much more obvious.

Done! Try it now is up and running!

Edit: Also, if you're willing, can you shoot me an email robert (a - t) rownd.io? would love to chat about your thoughts on the product.

Hey, that's great feedback @jph! We do want to highlight the usefulness in an obvious way.

Thanks! That is an awesome idea. Always looking for more ways to show off our tech! Appreciate it!

Totally agreed on this!

Great feedback! We'll definitely work on improving that.

on https://rownd.io/pricing

'Up to 1 website', is an odd way of saying it. You can't really have less, can you? Also in Pro you've spelt 'Unlimited' incorrectly.

Any plans to add social auth, or just magic link going forward?

Watched the video, hopefully you'll experience the network effect going forward. Best of luck with the product.

Thanks for the feedback.

Will update right now.

We will likely add Google Authentication since it is a faster way to validate your email (and 65% of internet users have gmail). Facebook auth is on its way out (down from 6M a few years ago to 3M in 2022).

Also, looking towards logging in with crypto wallets in the near future.

Congratulations on your launch!

Feedback on the site: I read the site and still really don't understand what the product does (I immediately saw it as an Auth0 competitor). Your "In more detail" paragraph would be a good bit of text to include prominently on the site.

Good luck!

Thanks for the feedback! Sorry that things weren't clear! We'll work on that...

Wait, it's not an auth0 competitor? Ok I am lost.

Rob here from Rownd. I consider us an Auth0 competitor. They focus 100% on authenticating prior to entering an app. We can carry authentication across websites and apps and want to "kill the login screen" by allowing users to try out apps and content without "signing up".

"kill the login screen" is an interesting message, and IMHO warrants a much more prominent placement on the site. Walk a visitor through what that means, since it's a pretty radical departure from what everyone is used to doing. Remember the Salesforce No Software logo? Perhaps you could do something similar.

Great point, we'll work on getting that into a more prominent spot and explaining it better. thanks!

Really like this! Thank you!

I love that thought!

Maybe I'm tired but after reading the landing page twice. I still have no idea how it works. Can I use the product without signing up? Or a video of someone using the product?

Thanks for the feedback. It's not you, it's us. ;-)

We've just been making some updates to our home page to hopefully make it clearer, but we realize we still have plenty of work to do.

If you sign in at the Rownd website, you can experience how the product will work on your own website.

We'll definitely get a shorter demo video posted soon that helps explain this too.

They provided a tutorial video [1] in the post.

I tried watching but didn't go past 90 seconds. Too verbose, TBH...

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7fv17HSYrc

Thanks for the feedback! We can definitely produce a shorter demo video that provides a basic walkthrough of how it works without going into tons of detail. The one we produced for this was more of a live-coding dev walkthrough.

As someone who prefers reading text over watching videos, I can commiserate with you ;-)

Sign up goes well. But your email confirmation link seems to be broken or on a reject list: when I click the link, then it fails from domain "pstmrk.it" and doesn't seem to reach rownd.io. IMHO email confirmation links should go directly to the expected domain and company, not anywhere else.

Sorry it didn't work for you! Do you happen to be using a service like Pihole, etc to block specific domains on your network?

We currently use Postmark for sending transactional email and by default, they rewrite all links to use their tracking servers. We didn't intend to have that enabled, so apologies for the oversight. I've just disabled that option, so links should resolve to their intended destination now. Links that go through multiple tracking redirects are a personal pet-peeve of mine as well!

Don't beat yourself for this mistake. We had a similar problem with emails where the provider was adding tracking URL by default. We had no idea until a client complained that it was blocked by their firewall/network. We then had to turn that off option which is enabled by default. Sneaky.


Pesky email providers thinking everybody wants to track everything all of the time. Sheesh!

Really appreciate this! Thank you!

Thanks for checking... I use Fastmail and Firefox with EFF Privacy Badger and uBlock Origin. If you want to send a new email, I can try it for you. Email is joel@joelparkerhenderson.com.

Sent! Thanks for helping out!

Success! Thanks for the fix.

Thank you for taking the time!

Congrats on shipping! How does this differs from Userfront?

Hey, thanks! There are a number of companies working in this problem space, and certainly Userfront is one. But one of the most obvious differences is that the first thing Userfront does is ask you for a password. We'll never do that because we firmly believe that passwords are essentially a Web 1.0 construct that needs to disappear forever.

That said, we're not just authn/authz software. We're helping companies improve their UX across every facet of their web and mobile presence. We focus on how account data spans various systems, not just isolated within one datastore. We also consider how user data flows through various UIs, is part of personalization, etc.

At the end of the day, we want to make the relationship companies build with their users more akin to how it works in real life. It's often a conversation, not just a transaction.

We look at authentication through a wider lens. Userfront and most options focus on authentication in front of an app. But what if you want to allow a user to continue without "signing up"? We offer the "unverified" option to let users try an app and move around in it. We also store account data and make it available to the browser to customize and personalize pages outside of the app itself. You can use the same Rownd code-snippet across your landing page, docs, and app and your users will stay "logged in". So if you know their preferences or name in an app, you can personalize the landing page or docs.

What other features are you interested in?

Quick question: the NextJS demo seems to be doing auth on the client side which would result in a flicker on page load while it waits to see if the user is authenticated. Do you have a server friendly component in the react library? Other libraries (ex: auth0) have a special function which is deployed as a getServerSideProps function on each page, as well as an API route that handles auth requests.

Great point! Thanks for the observation. Unfortunately, at the moment, we only have the client-side handlers built, but we do plan to add support for server-side rendering in the authenticated state.

For now, you can use our `is_initializing` flag to wait until the authenticated state is fully loaded before completing the render in the browser. I realize that's not an optimal solution for this use case. We'll get there!

Nice one. I love the SOLID project, separating apps from storage, and moving the users in charge of their data. This fits really well in that space.

Is it possible to use for users without Javascript enabled?

Any plans for a Go API? The HTTP API seems clean enough that it's barely needed, but I guess standardization is good. :)

Your pricing page doesn't say if it's monthly or annually.

We love the SOLID project as well. We use similar principles and beliefs, would love to adopt their network as it grows as well.

Right now the hub is javascript for websites, but we have a React and Node SDK and will be adding more over the coming weeks.

Can you chat a bit more about the Go API vs HTTP API thoughts? We are Go fans, just trying to find the right use-case to jump into it.

Our pricing is monthly, but always happy to chat about it.

> Can you chat a bit more about the Go API vs HTTP API thoughts?

I don't think any of my thoughts below are specific to Go. I now see that examples in all languages are simply HTTP requests.

I think having a predefined library with, at least, constants (like HTTP header names) and data structures would help having more standardized client code. Perhaps it could even just be a Protobuf definition (there's a hack to use field default values to define constants). Or similar schema language that can easily generate struct definitions/JSON codecs/clients in various languages.

Languages that use camel-case (like Java) often benefit from someone central defining the snake-case/camel-case translation to avoid inconsistencies in the code base. Actually, your examples use snake-case for Rownd-defined fields ("revoke_after,") and camel-case for client-defined fields ("additionalProp1.") Caveat emptor: I might be the only person on Earth who is irked by that. ;)

A layer on top of that would be a client that sets good defaults. For request building, it could populate headers and sanity-check input. For responses, it could convert HTTP responses to exceptions/errors suitable for the programming environment. For failures, it can help defining which error conditions should be retried and back-off settings.

A bonus feature would be to have a fake client (or server) I can use in my unit tests. Something that makes me feel reasonably sure my code will work when talking to your production. That's something I always find more reassuring if the supplier maintains, rather than me.

I love the unit test idea. Very cool!

We're fans of SOLID too! I think there's a ton of interesting work to be done in that space to make it scalable, secure, and really user friendly. We've definitely had some discussions around how Rownd and SOLID might fit together, so stay tuned.

From a browser perspective, Javascript needs to be enabled.

We'll definitely release an SDK for Go! We're heads-down building SDKs for all sorts of technologies, and could actually use some engineers with a background doing that sort of thing. If that's you, I'd love to chat about it (mhamann@rownd.io)!

The pricing is monthly, but if you're interested in more of an annual thing, reach out and we can get you numbers with the annual discount applied. We're working on more self-serve options, which will eventually include the ability to subscribe annually right from the website.

Nice launch. How does this compare to clerk.dev?

We envision a future without passwords and where you can take your identity around with you and plug it in wherever you want, while also maintaining control of that personal info. Interestingly, the first thing clerk.dev asks for when you sign up is a password...

Additionally, we don't think you should have to have a React/Vue/Next.js/etc site just to add auth. We want this to be plug-and-play anywhere and work across all of your web properties (and eventually mobile too). That could make the marketing, docs, and support experiences better at so many websites with a level of integration that used to take weeks or months to build (if anyone even bothered).

Hello - I'm the cofounder of Clerk.dev. Congrats on your launch!

Indeed, we support password-based authentication. Developers can also choose social login, passwordless, or web3 (instead, or in combination). In practice, ~60% of developers are enabling passwords for their applications.

Our technology is agnostic and also supports traditional frameworks (node/express and ruby/rails have SDKs, python/django is under development).

We also support auth across N subdomains and mobile (currently just react native).

Hey Colin

> We also support auth across N subdomains

I read this to mean you support a session on a.domain.com being valid for b.domain.com -- but you still don't support the same email address tied to different users at different subdomains, correct?

Hey Colin!

Thanks for the feedback and kind words! Really looking forward to making authentication and account management easier for developers and end-users with you!

I honestly think we are tackling two different problems - Clerk.dev protects an app or website. We create accounts that span apps and websites - and we happen protect them.

Clerk.dev focuses on creating a great login page using low-code tools to get there.

We want to kill the login page. We want first time users to be able to enjoy an app or website first and then, when they fall in love with the product, then you ask for validation/authentication.

We ask "what does it mean to be authenticated?". We go beyond authentication by creating accounts for end-users, giving them control over their data (GDPR, CCPA compliant) and allowing developers to use that account data to customize pages well beyond a single app. Authentication is more of a check box for us, what you do with the data is our product.

Overall, If you are using Clerk.dev, I'd feel confident that your apps are safe and your users are protected. They use the latest tech and have a great team.

ok i am a 1 man shop and outsource Auth to Auth0 but i am paying $25/month to them without offending you how can i justify paying $99/month for this ( I am building another app ) and doing it in webflow as MVP and want todo Auth with a stupid simple JS integration to at least test the MVP. But i like your dead ass simplicity.

I am mostly a one man shop myself but I would encourage everybody to self host their authentication. With so many open source libraries, there’s no good reason why you should use an external provider. In most cases, if the app is relatively successful you will very likely add functionality to your app, and this means you need control of your data and everything else that comes with it.

In the bigger scheme of things, I envision a world where adding auth to your app (or any functionality) is as simple as adding a docker service.

Thanks for bringing up this point! I think there are definitely times where self-hosting authentication might make sense, but I'll respectfully disagree that most people should do this.

Every component that gets added to your infrastructure is just "another thing" that you have to worry about in terms of uptime, monitoring, security, staying current, and so on. Personally, I'd rather not worry about any of that for something that isn't part of my core competency. Certainly there is a cost/benefit analysis to be made, mostly for larger companies.

I know we won't likely agree on this point, and that's ok! I just wanted to share an alternative perspective. :-)

That's exactly what I don't want. I don't trust the security of my app to store user credentials.

Another reason: my app has no reason to send emails except for one thing: password resets. I don't want to set up a whole email flow just for that. By using a provider I can offload that at the same time.

Firebase, Cognito, Azure B2C?

Yeah, for the same reason I don't want to store credit card details, I don't want to store user credentials.

+1 on those services. I went with AWS Cognito, which gives you permanently 50.000 MAU for free. A big issue with self-hosting is also Email delivery; you'd have to go to some provider to send verification Emails to have a decent inboxing rate.

Only downside is the pretty ugly default login UI of cognito, but you can style it to some extend by adding a logo and custom css.

Out sourcing credentials is critical. I'd go a step further, most apps/websites should out-source all of their personal data. Liability around personal data breaches is only increasing.

This is a great point.

We (at Rownd) are looking into self-hosted, open-source options as well. What are a few features that are MUST haves?

There are some that are more complex (like SMS auth, email auth, etc). We want to 100% get away from passwords, so passwordless is critical since most passwords are security issues.

Hey Adam!

That is a great question. We are new and want to find those folks that are willing to pay 2-10 times more than the competitors. Most all of our competitors are free for 2-12 months hoping to lock you in. It is very counter-intuitive, but our first 20 paying customers have such a real pain point that are not being met, then even knowing that there are cheaper alternatives, they turn to us.

We do offer 50% off of that rate for hacker news ($49 a month). We will decrease our price over time as we really understand more about our customers, their problems, and make onboarding super simple.

Having said all of that, reach out at robert (a-t..) rownd.io and if you are willing to give us feedback I'll find a price to make it work.

How does GDPR, etc. factor into this?

It is the very foundation of what we are building. We started as a data privacy company. When you authenticate with Rownd, the Rownd hub (on every website screen that uses Rownd), shows all of the personal data that has been collected by that app/site and you can turn it off with a button click. You can also go to mydata.rownd.io and self opt out of ANY data on any app that Rownd partners with.

We fundamentally believe that the end-user should control their data, we turn it into a feature.

Thanks for the question!

So the user/visitor (browser?) has a single identity within Rownd and the data is aggregated across any Rownd partners… and then the user can request a magic link to finalize the verification step per partner site? Domain?

And that checks a box to say they’ve authenticated with just that site? If the user has already verified their identity on a different partner then what’s actually happening for subsequent partners?

How is the data siloed across partners?

Could be neat to back into a shared payment identity like bolt if the user opts to share that info. ie they’re on a new site that recognizes their Rownd profile and they can autofill/share certain info.

I really like the idea of a single source for privacy/GDPR control across all the sites I use. I hope y’all get great adoption.

Yes, once you've added information to one Rownd partner, it _can_ become available to a second partner, but _only_ if the user consents to sharing it and only when the fields/data types match between the two apps. Typically, that occurs during the sign-in process.

We currently require verification on each partner site to ensure that the person signing-in is actually the holder of the email/phone. In the future though, we plan to allow a user that's authenticated at one Rownd partner to click a single button on a second partner site to simply pass the existing verification and account info across. In that case, no email/sms is needed as long as its done in the same browser/device.

Thanks for the question and your support!

Is this essentially a "Sign in with Rownd"? Similar to how "Sign in with Google" works? albeit with some anonymous user-tracking helpers at the front.

Google is kind of like "email verification" brought forward since they own 65% of the email market and even more of the browser market.

We also "verify" and authenticate, but that is where we diverge. We also help websites manage "profiles" and "accounts" and that data can be made available for customization and personalization. From what a user sees to how they interact with a site or app.

Finally, we give the user the ability to retroactively "revoke consent" to their data. When they turn it off, the site and app no longer have access to it.

>And that checks a box to say they’ve authenticated with just that site? If the user has already verified their identity on a different partner then what’s actually happening for subsequent partners?

As of right now, the authentication spans apps/websites owned by the same customer. If a user goes from one Rownd customer to another, they will have to re-authenticate and enter their data.

We are visioning a world where end-user can go from Rownd customer to Rownd customer and we can just ask "do you want to continue as Harrison and share x, y, z" so they can experience customizations and personalizations faster on sites. But we just launched and are examining that use-case!

>Could be neat to back into a shared payment identity like bolt if the user opts to share that info. ie they’re on a new site that recognizes their Rownd profile and they can autofill/share certain info.

Great idea. How would you want that connection to look like as a user? I'd image we could "link bolt to your profile" on bolt enabled carts...

I was thinking more along the lines of sharing my payment credentials with Rownd then just enabling payment when I log into one of your partners.

The actual processing could be handled by y’all rather than passing raw cc info to each partner.

I realize that’s pretty far from your mvp but as a user I’d rather save all personal data with one data store which can enable access or usage to selectively to apps.

As a partner, I’d like also like to have one spot to save user data. And if you’re streamlining onboarding it makes sense for that to include payment info or payment ability.

My rownd profile also becomes an auditable source of all my infos access and usage :clap:

Some day!

How do you know all the data an app has collected? Seems like much of that could be in separate JS or 3rd parties

We allow the app/website developer to add html attributes to the form to send it to the Rownd hub if they choose. In the future, we will be a bit smarter to get it all, but right now it is more manual. Of course, if you don't want Rownd Hub to store it, it does not have to.

What about the data they collect outside of your app. The point is that you cannot say anything about that, but it sounds like you do, which is false advertising.

A simple example is analytics

What is your opinion about Gigya, LoginRadius and other old timers in the CIAM space? How are you changing this space? Also how does it compare to AWS Cognito, GCP CIP and others?

Thanks for this question.

Two big changes: Most players in this space treat authentication as a point in time decision and it is usually static. IE, you are about to enter an webapp, we will now authenticate you. We think authentication should be a gradient. You can be unauthenticated, authenticated but unverified, and you can be fully authenticated. The ideal user experience is that users should be able to try an app or experience prior to having to "login".

Second, we also hold account/profile data for users and make it available to apps and websites to personalize and customize their experience. This is critical as we move into "hyper customization" in the near future. We allow sites to slowly gather data through trust. At the same time, we give the end-user control over this data (they can turn it off, edit it, just like they would a profile).

> Sign-in pages add friction and lose users in your product funnel.

Sounds good but why don't you apply the same principle on your own website?

Great point.

What we (now with hindsight incorrectly) wanted to show was that you can enter you email and then NOT have to verify it and interact with the actual code snippet you can put into your app or website. Since we are in webflow and if you used a live snippet with a live App key, we assumed users would want to come back if they wanted access to it again. So, we figured most (and we have had a few hundred) would enter their email and then see a fully working snippet, with an API key, ready to roll in webflow and think that was neat.

Now, having a few hundred people on the site, I do think letting users see the snippet and then "request" an APP key with their email is the right answer. We could not have come to this conclusion without this launch.

Appreciate it! - Rob from Rownd

Do you happen to be hiring for customer support / support engineer roles?

Thanks for reaching out! We have a couple of positions that we'll be opening up soon. DM me over on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthamann/) or drop me an email (mhamann@rownd.io) and we can chat further. :-)

Hey! Not right now, but I have do doubt we will in the future. Shoot me your info at robert (at) rownd.io .

Shocked no one complained about the fact that you have to give them your email or phone number to get any more information from the hn specific landing page. Pathetic for a company that claims to "transition seamlessly" from marketing to product. I'm already never going to use it.

Sorry about that experience. You can also check out https://rownd.io for more info. We wanted to show off a new feature called "unverified", but if you are having this reaction, others probably are as well.

Thank you for the feedback.

It is an odd decision for a site emphasizing the ease of onboarding visitors. Also unclear to me also what that particular snippet does? The marketing seems to imply you can skip some or all of the classic new account/login page via 'magic', so why isn't that being demonstrated here?

Similar on the need for a phone call (what is this, a pizza?)--at least let me hide behind email. But then I'm probably not the target customer, so do as you will.

Hey, great feedback. The ease of onboarding comes from simply clicking a link in your email (or from a text message) to become a user of a product--striping away the need for passwords and loaded forms that typically hinder entry to a new experience. Sorry the use of the snippet on the page wasn't clear, we'll work on highlighting that better. The snippet is being demonstrated on the page via the hub in the left corner and is connected to the "submit" button to capture email and authenticate users. By putting the snippet on your site, you can skip building a full on sign in/sign up flow and authenticate your users with our hub. Hope this helps! We're grateful for your feedback!

Thanks for the feedback here.

I totally understand the "set up a call" frustration. Since we just launched, we really want to talk to users or potential users and learn more about their use-cases. We manually onboarded our first customers (emailing snippets, etc) and learned so much about their needs and painpoints, we wanted to keep that going for a while as we grow.

Hey HN! I am a co-founder at Rownd. Let us know what you think! We started down this path about 8 weeks ago and are very excited about the possibilities of what authentication SHOULD be not just what it is.

Hi Hacker News! I'm a co founder and heading up design at Rownd. Looking forward to feedback and questions about your experiences trying out our product!

FYI your API docs page (https://docs.rownd.io/apiandsdks/#/rest) linked from the footer is throwing 500s.

Thanks for the heads up! We've fixed the link!

Hey folk, I'm an engineer here at Rownd and super excited to hear all of your feedback. I hope you get as excited about frictionless auth anywhere and everywhere as we are!

Love what the folks at Rownd are building. They have a data privacy background with a goal to kill the login page.

It’s a huge and ambitious goal and I’m looking forward to using them in the future as we expand our stack.

Thanks for the support, Chris!

Appreciate it Chris!

Thanks, Chris!

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