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My ex had the same issue while on a vegan diet - and she was an adult. Random dizzy spells and faintness to the point of almost passing out.

It boggles my mind anyone would ascribe to a diet that literally requires vitamin supplements through artificial means in order to be complete. And those are just the obvious deficiencies.

Vitamin B12 is made by bacteria, it's in all dirt, and untreated water. You absorb it through your skin. It's pretty easy to see how it wasn't long ago that we would be having an abundance of vitamin b12 from everywhere.

Cows don't make it, they eat it in soil. Which, actually, because most of them are factory farmed, they are fed the supplement. Nothing natural about that; in fact, you're just skipping the middle-man and cruetly.

"But I only eat grass-grazed happy cows!" Good for you! Now how about a solution that can work for everyone.

You want to know what the real next pandemic is. It's going to come from the unbelievable abuse of antibiotics the meat industry is responsible for. Medicine will be set back a century.

> It boggles my mind anyone would ascribe to a diet that literally requires vitamin supplements through artificial means in order to be complete.

I used to think that, but at some point I thought: what's the big deal? If you're still eating healthy, still eating tasty food, and you just also consume a pill or two every day, is that really so bad, or does it just feel "wrong"?

> It boggles my mind anyone would ascribe to a diet that literally requires vitamin supplements through artificial means in order to be complete.

Most non vegans also get their B12 through supplementation. It just is fed to animals directly or indirectly as cobalt supplement.

> Most forages and feedstuffs fed to dairy and beef animals do not contain adequate quantities of cobalt to support the rumen and animal requirements. Consequently, supplemental cobalt must be added to beef and dairy rations. [1]

[1] https://agriking.com/importance-of-cobalt-to-beef-dairy-catt...

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