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Do you really want to? Your house probably didn't have electric lights when it was made. Your house probably didn't have telephone, much less cable TV wires, or ethernet. Note that wired telephone is a technology that came and went during the life of your house, today you may not care, but 50 years ago that would have been an issue. I'm not sure if your house would have had plumbing or not, even if it did the bathroom (singular - today most families want several) and kitchen were at best outdated. I have no doubt that your house has poor insulation. I suspect that your house has had several major renovations over the years, and the basic facts of the original structure limit what you can do and so it is still dated (though maybe in an endearing way)

I'm starting to think the Japanese have the right idea: build the house to last 20 years and rebuild often. Some parts of modern house design are fads that I hope to see die, but there are a lot of parts about modern houses that make them much better than old ones.

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