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That is fiction for you, it has amazing people in it.

But in real life this would be impossible medically, one person simply could not keep such a body functioning.

And more importantly mentally impossible.

And setting yourself up against fictional stories probably isn't good for you.

Fiction might be good to push yourself as a better person, but not to these ridiculous saccharine extremes.

With anything real, like palliative care, get support as soon as you can, by the time you are overwhelmed doing the paperwork and the waiting periods will be impossibly harder.

I mean, didn't they make a movie called Awakenings about the true story of a bunch of people emerging from long-term vegetative states?

Google "L-dopa"

It sounds like there were some other people involved:

> He consulted experts, but no one could help her.

> After two years of physical therapy, he finally got her to the point where she could set up and walk, assisted on either side.

> She had cataract surgery, a hysterectomy and a hip replacement.

> a retirement community in Florida

> Dr Glenn Englander, who was treating her for high blood pressure the day before she awakened from her coma

why are other people saying it is not fiction?

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