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Those that sold shovels during the gold rush, made money too.

There's a video of Bill Gates making a mathematical case why solar will not solve our problems. We need another nuclear plant, the name escape but I think it uses all the nuclear waste.

I believe you're referring to thorium reactors. Though I remain optimistic about future developments in solar (particularly if we can capture it in space and beam it back to earth), I agree that building next-gen nuclear is clearly the best plan for humanity's energy future.

That scenario always makes me think back to simcity (2000?) where as you'd advance, you could build these microwave beam powerplants, and occasionally they'd lose tracking and start burning down your city...

I do wonder how RF power transmission is progressing, and what issues will come with it, as I imagine that's the most feasible way to transport energy from space to earth, although wikipedia also mentions laser transmission - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_energy_transfer


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