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The great thing about software is that “more” can not just be people, it can be “more software”.

The way I hope to end my career is in IC, building tools that make other devs/the org more productive.

Building software that multiplies other developers output will also increase your output in a sense. You are vastly more productive because you “work through the people using your software”. Which I believe can be a position of very high status in and of itself. Imagine Guido, or the teams behind go, react, etc…

Most big organizations need people to work on their infra full time, and thats what I hope to end up doing someday, no need to mange people, you can still manage computers, only a lot more of them.

Its what Paul Graham said in one if his essays - as a factory worker you can’t increase your output much by working more, but as a software dev - you can, and with enough planning / luck that can be exponential.

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