I wish I were smart enough to coin a catchy phrase that means "the moment some software dropped in quality, when they decided to add user accounts", because I see this quite a lot.
This actually hurt to read, having used Postman since its launch. It was such a great, simple product then with a simple premise - easily make http requests from a simple ui. Since then, feature after feature has been added, now it's just total bloatware cruft, to the point where after having taken a break for several years, I found it relatively difficult to use upon return (especially if you want to avoid sign up). I see they've recently gotten a series d (!?) of $225 million, so good for them I guess, but it's not something I almost ever use any more, and no longer feel drawn to...
Ditto. I used Postman pre-rework and then came back and had to spend 10 minutes trying to find the page to make an actual callout. And I still can’t find it on the first try whenever I re-use the service.
In order to use a websocket connection with postman you need to be signed into postman.
I would love to switch to something else, unfortunately postman is the only tool I know which has built-in debugging tools for socket.io
Yes, I left Postman immediately after rework because I couldn't understand how the hell to use it anymore.
Same with Docker Desktop. I tried to use it for personal use a few weeks ago and couldn't figure out how to docker build a container anymore on WSL, then tried on native Windows and it was jabbering on about HyperV prereq and I just uninstalled it and went back to WSL for traditional package management.
I'm looking at you, Postman!