> If you knew enough about RNW to look out for sites using it and pose a question about it then I assumed you knew enough about Flutter to do the same?
That it exists, it's general purpose, and given it's semantic version that it's pre-release software. That's all I know about it. I know a little more about Flutter since it has a marketing budget.
It probably wouldn't be wise to rely on either of them outside of hobby projects. Unless of course you are Facebook/Twitter/Google, aka have effectively unlimited budget and employ the people who wrote the stuff to begin with.
That's why I asked. You asked about RNW because you hadn't heard of anyone using it, I asked about Flutter because I haven't used it and don't know anyone who does.
> It probably wouldn't be wise to rely on either of them outside of hobby projects. Unless of course you are Facebook/Twitter/Google
I rely on RNW and RN everyday for a production app (iOS/Android/Web) with thousands of DAU. I developed and maintain the app solely.
You posed the question if there were any notable examples of RNW used in production because you haven't seen any. (it's on their home page)
I answered who is using it and simply posed the question if there were notable examples of Flutter Web used in production because I haven't.
If you knew enough about RNW to look out for sites using it and pose a question about it then I assumed you knew enough about Flutter to do the same?