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I see a lot of snowboarders get into an identity crisis as they get older. Should I still snowboard if I'm not sending jumps and jibs all the time? Yes. Yes you absolutely should.

The truth is that there is just no feeling like laying down a sick carve on a snowboard. Nothing compares.

As I got older I switched my focus to riding switch. While I'm not as solid riding switch I can keep up and often pass most I ride with.

Along with building up my switch skills I worked on frontside and backside 180s. Basically being able to flip from one to the other and back. Sometimes I forget which is my natural stance and which it switch.

I was progressing up to 360s from either stance but haven't been out enough the that couple of years.

I'm in my 50s. I do most of my riding in Vermont (mostly Killington) so my skills are almost legit ;)

Thank you, your comment back brought warm memories for me! I grew up in the Canadian rockies, but my family moved to Ontario in my teens. The skiing was terrible there so I switched to snowboarding to keep it interesting. But, we used to come down to Killington in the winter to get some real mountain time in. Thankfully I'm in California now so I've got some good mountains nearby. Thanks again and I hope Killington is still as great, or maybe even better, than it once was.

I am goofy on skateboard and regular on the snowboard for some odd reason.

This of course meant riding switch on both came easier to me than to most people.

100%! Just got back from a week in the Zillertal and it was incredible and all I can think of is how to go back. Finally did it on my own gear this time too, what a massive difference a good board, binding, boot combo makes. I'm a late convert, so not a park rat at all, but just hitting reds all day (Europe, so just Blue, Red, Black grades) along with the mountain culture makes for my absolute favourite holidays.

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