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Like you I'm an expert skier. The most difficult thing about learning to snowboard is that I see the awesome ski trail in front of me, and if I try to go, I'll just painfully fall.

It stinks to go back to being a beginner.

I learned to snowboard in my 20s as an expert skier, and the only reason that I did it was that I had moved to California and so was skiing with a bunch of beginners, so being a beginner with them was a lot more enjoyable. Once they got good enough to ski blacks, I put away my board and haven't taken it out since.

Yeah skiing is so expensive and time consuming it’s hard for me to justify hitting greens and blues on the board when I can ski the whole mountain.

When I need a change of pace blade skis can be a ton of fun or spending the day in the terrain park.

I basically had the opposite experience last time I tried skiing. After snowboarding at least weekly for most of my teens, just going down the slope facing it triggers my reflexes and I keep trying to lift my toes.

Maybe that's it. You know the runs, and you have the expectation of being good. But on a board, it's like physics are no longer the same.

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