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I'm very good with skiing and started with age 35 to snowboard. I learned the basics quick, but now even some years later, I'm pretty good on the board, I just don't have the same safe feeling like on my skies. Now on perfect slopes, I prefer my (slalom) ski, if the weather is a bit snowy or the snow is not perfect, I prefer the snowboard.

I actually tried to get back to skis last year, rented a pair and went up on the red slope, but damn I had forgotten how to do it :) Felt so strange, it was definitely not any "like riding a bike" feeling of motor memory. I guess my cache was flushed. Kind of froze on the slope and couldn't get myself to go down :)

Eventually I did and I didn't fall but it was really scary. I think I need to try again for a day on a green or blue slope...

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