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Same happened to my cousin. Her screen broke from the fold. Samsung says no warranty, since "it's caused by a 2mm scratch in the hinge". That scratch was caused by a bump into metal while she was carrying it by hand, it wasn't hard. In fact, the phone I'm writing from has had much stronger hits, all to the corners and my aluminum is more marked than hers, but my screen is intact. (Mine is an LG G7, for the record).

>That scratch was caused by a bump into metal while she was carrying it by hand

Not to defend samsung, because foldable phones are a flimsy bad idea, but it's to be expected that bumps that wouldn't damage other phones (including phones that Samsung makes like the galaxy series) might damage the folders : the folders are made with a plastic screen, and on the recent models, a very thin, fragile layer of glass underneath the plastic. If you buy one, you really should have the expectation that it is going to fail at the slightest mishandling. You can even feel the fold when you touch the area, it doesn't take a major shock to cause damage there.

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