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This really doesn't seem like a "win" for Chris though? He's having to leave a toxic environment and leave a project he cares deeply about. In a company as big as Apple do they not have procedures in place to stop this behaviour? It just feels like the shouting person learns they can get away with this when they should be told this behaviour must stop or they'll be on their way out.

> In a company as big as Apple do they not have procedures in place to stop this behaviour?

In my own experience… Apple is a large company, with a huge variety of teams with different accepted standards of conduct.

But the Swift language is also an open source project, so this is a pseudo-open dev community so I’m not sure if Apple’s internal corporate culture even has a strong hold over this mailing list and those WebEx meetings that probably include volunteers, not just Apple employees.

If you want to fight, maybe it becomes a battle of attrition fighting psychos on their own level. I think it's more of a win to be the bigger person and live your own life, especially after how much he's already accomplished.

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