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I'd like to second this question, I'm very interested in any recovery story of CFS.

There are hundreds of accounts of people who have had substantial recovery (thought probably not full) from ME/CFS. The problem is that what works for one person doesn't work at all for 99% of other sufferers. Some people say injections of B12 fixed them up; others move to the desert and get away from environmental issues (and perhaps stress); others benefit from a very gradual incline of exercise; a few have had spinal fusions; and so on.

My wife has had ME/CFS for more than a decade. Honestly many of the touted remedies she finds online sound like snake oil, but if you are suffering and nobody has a good clue, you try each one in turn hoping you might be one of the lucky people who responds to a given modality.

Cort Johnson runs the website Health Rising, which acts as a clearing house for recent news about ME/CFS (and recently long covid as it relates to ME/CFS) and there is a community built around that site.


There is also an interesting book about a recovery in the dessert “through the shadowlands” by Julie Rehmeyer. Just not practicable for everyone, especially when the dessert is far away like in Central Europe.

There’s a very good subreddit where people share news and their experiences. There also seems to be some overlap between CFS and long covid, Dr. Resia Pretorius has published a lot of work on micro clots in the blood and long covid.

See my prev comment. Happy to share more by email.

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