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Looks like HN killed it :)

Without wanting to go off topic here, may I ask what sort of error did you get? All looks fine from here, although it is an alpha. If you were happy to reach out I can try to help figure it out with you.

Secure Connection Failed: An error occurred during a connection to andisearch.com. PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR. Also Firefox is flagging it as "Not Secure" in the address bar.

Interestingly, once I turned off my VPN, it works again, Firefox doesn't display the message either. Note that other web pages work fine on the VPN.

update: It work's with MozillaVPN, but not with my University's VPN. Perhaps UC Davis has flagged it from within their firewall.

That's weird. The endpoints are on Amazon Cloudfront, so possibly uni VPN didn't like the CDN it is on.

Also, I set it as my default search engine for a trial since my first few searches went well. Is there a place to submit bug reports?

Oh awesome, thank you! Yes just say "/bug" any time and tick the little box to attach details (we don't see what searches are so that let's us know) or just hop on our Discord from Contact Us. We really appreciate you trying it out. It is an alpha and we have lots of work to do, especially performance. I've been trying not to go off topic from the conversation here but wanted to answer your direct question, but we can chat more directly.

I love the HN view option...mostly because I find that form so easy to scan.

I've conducted a number of professional searches about neuroscience, obscure R packages, topics on D&D and Pathfinder, and it has done exceptionally well. The one thing my obscure demographic would love is a replacement for Google Scholar, which I use all the time.

I love the HN view too - it is compact, efficient and information dense. I think it works well for search results. And I love HN so it seemed like a neat homage :)

Thank you for trying it out and the great feedback too. There hasn't been too much discussion here about Google Scholar, but better research and academic results is something I hear a lot of people talk about as a growing problem.

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