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> If I am not mistaken, the current CEO of Google spent most of his time working on "default search engine" (or "default web browser") deals before taking the CEO job.

I mean you could spend two seconds to search and realize you were in fact mistaken before bothering to write "If I am not mistaken..."

Sundar Pichai was responsible for the Chrome browser and Android operating system. [1]

While the comment might be a little oversimplified, I think it's reasonable to say that those deals would have fallen under his ambit. And there's no question that Chrome and Android are the two central planks of Google's search distribution monopoly with consumers, along with the Apple deal.

[1] https://www.businessinsider.com/how-sundar-pichai-rose-to-be...

> While the comment might be a little oversimplified

let's see:

> spent most of his time working on "default search engine" (or "default web browser") deals before taking the CEO job

even if we take your convenient assumption as correct ("it's reasonable to say that those deals would have fallen under his ambit"), it's still wouldn't be a true statement. But feel free to point out which part is true if we relax any more assumptions.

Based on the public record, I don't think the original commenter's statement was unreasonable or mistaken. And they have provided extensive additional documentation on a separate comment supporting the assertion.

Based on Pichai being the senior executive at Google responsible for Chrome browser and search defaults, as a matter of public record he held corporate responsibility for getting google search as the default search engine on as many devices as possible.

You stated that the original commenter was mistaken with no supporting evidence and a high level of acrimony in your phrasing. I'd be interested to see supporting evidence for why you think the commenter was mistaken, in the context of the other resources they provided.

Sure, if you're comfortable with your job being described as spending most of your time working on affiliate link deals, we can agree that's a good description of someone working on the Google toolbar plugin and then Chrome OS, Android, etc.

If anyone else was curious, Sundar Pichai had not worked on Search prior to becoming CEO, it seems:

> Pichai joined Google in 2004,[8] where he led the product management and innovation efforts for a suite of Google's client software products, including Google Chrome and Chrome OS, as well as being largely responsible for Google Drive. In addition, he went on to oversee the development of other applications such as Gmail and Google Maps. In 2010, Pichai also announced the open-sourcing of the new video codec VP8 by Google and introduced the new video format, WebM. The Chromebook was released in 2012. In 2013, Pichai added Android to the list of Google products that he oversaw.

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