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“…almost no consumer consciously chooses to use Google search anymore”? 6-8 quality leads in the last 14 days (ave. sale at $3,200) on less than $220 spent on ads begs to differ with you. We’ve only started advertising the last two weeks. We’ve had calls and form submissions _all_ from Google and we only launched our site roughly 45 days ago. I’m not a Google fanboy and I think Search does need an overhaul but people are mostly definitely using Google Search. Another client of mine gets 8-12 new customers per month all from Google searches and she doesn’t spend a dime on Google.

In many ways I think that supports my comment. People use Google search because it's the default and a monopoly, and it has a total monopoly on search ads as a result. But that is not a choice that consumers consciously make to go and use it. It's pre-installed as the only easily accessible default on their phones and computers, and no one ever thinks about what search engine they use or has chosen to use it. If you buy an Apple or Android phone, your search engine is Google, and you just assume it is the only search engine. It's great that it gets good results for your ad spend for you. That's why Google continues to set new records for revenue. Advertisers like you are their true customers. And the people searching are the product being sold.

They were not saying "nobody uses Google search" but rather that people were not consciously choosing to use it over other services, but using it because it is the default on virtually every device and browser, despite the fact that the majority of the results were ads. The fact that people are clicking on your ads doesn't exactly disprove that hypothesis.

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