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Duckduckgo uses Bing and they also pay millions to be included.

We pay nothing so are not included. On the other hand we are happy to provide a one click search from our search engine or eight other search engines/services, currently from our web app [0]. One click for Google (if that's your thing), one click for Bing or Gigablast search engine results, one click for Brave and some of the many Bing and few Google syndicates - DuckDuckGo, Ecosia, Startpage.

[0] https://blog.mojeek.com/2022/02/search-choices-enable-freedo...

Source on the ‘pays millions’?

Even if DuckDuckGo and Bing pay absolutely nothing, it's good leverage to make Google pay even more, and its already public knowledge Google pays a lot to remain the default search engine on iOS, to the tune of billions of dollars a year:

> https://9to5mac.com/2021/08/25/analysts-google-to-pay-apple-...

> https://www.npr.org/2020/10/22/926290942/google-paid-apple-b...

etc, etc. Given Google pay a lot more for this privilege today than in years past, this may well have been part of the strategy.

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