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Not only that, but I have a feeling that if Google and Facebook fail at providing some institutionally-derived level of default sharing by users, the next company is going to try something else. And there will be a "next company" to try this, just as there has been in the MySpace > Friendster > Orkut > Facebook > G+ > etc. chain.

This is an institutional desire, probably by the advertising industry, that will not stop.

Yes I agree. I don't currently have a win-win solution in mind. A great solution would be one that allows facebook to still gather information provided that the "correct" privacy controls are in place for users.

I think, since this is so new, there is no clear understanding of what the "correct" privacy controls are. That is why I love the fact that G+ exists. Competition will help solve this problem.

Agreed. Once privacy becomes the driving issue of social networks, either Facebook, G+, or the next evolution, will offer users what they consider to be proper security/privacy. Although we can be seen as the products and not consumers of Facebook, if we are being harvested for social data, we will require proper care and growth to deliver a good product.

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