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Why do you think that is going to happen? Their privacy policy doesn't seem to allow email addresses to be used for that purpose. I do not think the Obama campaign could take this lightly, and not only because of the privacy policy. Use of government resources for an election campaing is another issue, one more than just privacy activists care about.

I'm not sure about email addresses, but political parties often have exemptions in lots of laws about privacy, fundraising, etc; for reasons which are obvious.

"I do not think the Obama campaign could take this lightly"

Taking what people think lightly is a skill practiced by all politicians. They are very good at it.

Why do you think that is going to happen?

Because harvesting email addresses is pretty much the ultimate purpose of all online petitions.

Their privacy policy doesn't seem to allow email addresses to be used for that purpose

Which part excludes it?

Use of government resources for an election campaing is another issue, one more than just privacy activists care about.

In a world where the President can take Air Force One to go to a campaign fundraiser, I don't think that this is taken all that seriously any more. There are certain rules regarding what's "politics" and what's "government", but if the White House has your email address you're certainly gonna be getting a lot of emails going "Gosh, what a good job I'm doing as President. What a pity those darn Republicans are to blame for everything that's going wrong" et cetera.

>Because harvesting email addresses is pretty much the ultimate purpose of all online petitions.

Says who? I've been registered on more than one petition websites for years using an email just for them ([name-of-site]@mydomain.com) and I haven't ever got a spam email.

In a world where the President can take Air Force One to go to a campaign fundraiser, I don't think that this is taken all that seriously any more. There are certain rules regarding what's "politics" and what's "government", but if the White House has your email address you're certainly gonna be getting a lot of emails going "Gosh, what a good job I'm doing as President. What a pity those darn Republicans are to blame for everything that's going wrong" et cetera.

Do you have an evidence of this ever happening, or are you just defaming?

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