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How would that even work if git was released in 2005? Am I missing something?

It’s just a joke. When creating a commit, you can override the timestamp to whatever you want.

A date is just a number in a file. You can create Git commits with any date you want.

For the sake of interest, not quite any date.


e.g. this repo which represented the US constitution in a Git repository couldn't use the actual dates it wanted to. https://github.com/JesseKPhillips/USA-Constitution#who-made-...

Yes and this actually matters.

Not allowing the creation of repos of historical data with correct timestamps is a bad design decision, not an inevitability.

I have git repos with commits from before 2005 in projects converted from cvs, to subversion to git.

Obviously, code that old couldn't have been originally committed to git. But it is quite common to have old repositories migrated to git and one would expect the original time stamps been maintained after the migration.

In 1972 the web was still only available in black and white and a typical consumer laptop was the size of a steamer trunk.

Sorry, what do you want to say with that? I was talking in general, why Git repositories might contain commits which precede the creation of Git by a large amount. And I am sure, while no one committed the code in 1972 to any kind of repository, that the code snipped with its date is genuine. At that time Kernighan was working with other legends off the Unix world on Unix and the C language.

There existed VCSs in 1972.

You can modify the git history to your liking. There are tools for that, like reposurgeon [1].

[1] https://gitlab.com/esr/reposurgeon

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