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We use it and or staff are able to get at least a bit of value without knowing sql. but i still have to write most things or create a template they can copy and paste.

the visual builder still relies on knowing fundamentally what a db is, what a join is. like mega obvious stuff that actually isn't obvious to non technical people.

we area also multi tenent and it's not the best for that. like the default permissions when you add a db are broad, the organization of dashboards, questions, etc is not great. through different versions they have re organized and stuffed things oddly.

i've also messed up the elastic beanstalk a few times. i am not even close to an expert on aws so might just be me being stupid.

probably worth just paying for their service in the end..

My experience is that these kind of tools have an interesting positive effect, if they are well made (and metabase seems to be):

There are maybe 1/10-1/5 or maybe more who will be enabled by them on a technical level. The same kind of people who will build a site out of WP themes and plugins or build quite involved spreadsheets and so on.

I think it’s generally important and useful to enable and respect power users like that. They occupy a unique niche.

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