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Quick question. Does anyone else get annoyed seeing the current temperature being greater than the high temperature for the day? Same thing with the low.

I’m not sure what it means - maybe the weathermen want you to know what they guessed? I’m not looking at the weather as a sports book of betting entries, I’m looking at the weather because I want facts.

You’re comparing a measurement to a prediction (current temp to high temp).

But yes! It’s very annoying.

There’s not a clear and simple solution though. You could increase the daily high, but then hourly data would never show/predict the daily high. Unless you made the current hour prediction = current measurement. But what if the prediction for the hour is 90% chance of rain (starting at say XX:43), you wouldn’t want to just override that with 90°F and sunny.

In addition to this the forecast for the day could be "Rain" but the hourly forecasts often reveal it is unlikely to rain for most if not the entire day.

So? That’s statistics. In 100 years you would predict one 100-year flood to happen, but each year the odds are unlikely.

The high is recorded is always recorded in a certain location but a local maximum can be in a different microclimate.

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