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Police hacking with Pegasus of key Netanyahu trial witness explodes into scandal (debka.com)
131 points by tomohawk on Feb 11, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 25 comments

Note that Debkafile is biased (and usually proudly so).

The article is editorialized, but not wrong. The Calcalist article says what they say it does -- that the Israeli Police hacked many phones, without oversight, and some of those phones were related to the Netanyahu trials.

Also recall that most of the police personnel involved were appointed by Netanyahu's goverment, and were praised by Netanyahu himself at the time of their appointment.

Could this derail the Netanyahu trial? Political comeback trail because the police used tools you empowered them to use, to spy on you in a way which undermined the integrity of the evidence used to show how corrupt you are.. a modern-day virtuous circle?

To spy on prosecution witnesses, rather. So more like the witnesses against you were spied on by the organization you controlled until recently, so the trial has to be called off as hopelessly compromised. If I'm reading correctly.

The "Fruit of the poisonous tree" doctrine is not absolute worldwide as it is in the USA. Evidence obtained illegally is not automatically disregarded in Israel, though it still might be.

Nope. Trial will continue and simultaneously and seperatly they'll be investigating this.

Is there an English version of the relevant Calcalist article? They're the original source so if that exists it would probably make a better post.

That would be this one: https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3928830...

It's the latest in a series of articles by Tomer Ganon.

(previously posted as: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30241488)

Debkafile is an interesting site to read. During (before and after) the second Iraq war there was a lot of rumor and speculation that was way outside mainstream speculation. Several ended up being wrong.

I remember them from back then - they had info WAY before anyone else, but not everything turned out correct.

They had some amazing sources in the military, but they published everything, without trying to verify it first (which I guess would be impossible given the nature of their sources).

From what I remember they never lied or tried to spin articles, but they did not have a strong verification step.

The newest and weirdest twist in this story, is that some of the government officials involved (which had no open investigations against them) are now "bringing their phones to NSO" to check if they indeed had Pegasus installed on their phones[1]

Now, that would mean NSO has no logs on the phone numbers used to install Pegasus. I don't see how they would allow that

If that were true, any country (Saudi Arabia, UAE, for example) Who got a green light from the Israeli weapons export to purchase Pegasus, can now spy on the Israeli government, army, everyone at NSO, the Mossad, and 8200. And the Israeli's would never know? No way

NSO is playing dumb by saying "we can't know if you were hacked without your physical phone in our hands"

[1] https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/bjkftweyq (requires Google Translate)

I wonder if we could run a meta-hacking and weaponize Pegasus and the like against them? That would be funny to watch...

Pegasus (like all products in that space) is an on-prem product, NSO send you the system limited to a number of usages and certain phone number restrictions and then you use it.

To counter: do you really think every country purchasing Pegasus would want the Israeli government and NSO to be able to access all that information on their targets?

Counter-argument: do you really think NSO would release their 0-click exploits to an on prem product that they have no control over?

Citizen Lab reports show significant involvement of exploit delivery cloud infrastructure + plausible deniability.

A sufficiently determined user (and these are often national governments) could easily target a phone they control. With sufficient monitoring and logging they could grab the exploit directly. The only thing stopping them is whatever contract/“EULA” they signed agreeing not to reverse engineer the product, and I doubt the big spooks would care about such a thing.

I would be surprised if every country gets exactly the same product.

Well of course it takes the invasion of privacy of upper echelon for it to be taken seriously. Had they been nobodies it would not be a scandal it would be normal. This is the problem with things like EARN IT too. Only once it's used against high powered innocents will it be a scandal, ergo privacy is not a right it is a product for the rich and powerful, not everyone.

why is everyone acting like this is all new?


ten+ years ago obama knew they were spying on merkel's phone and didn't say anything. The powerful people have already been spied on, and participated in the spying. The question is how many phones germany is tapping that merkel knew and didn't say anything about.

This game is not new.

Nobodies don't have much to fear from this kind of surveillance. Nobodies have to fear being caught up in electronic dragnets and being processed by algorithms. This kind of surveillance will only be used against important people and people who become important by being a threat to important people.

The endgame of this stuff is that societies become completely controlled by nameless people; the least surveilled.

edit: just like the cops begging everyone to snitch and putting snitches everywhere are the least snitching people on the planet, intelligence organizations have mysterious locations, methods, budgets, customers, allegiances, owners, and employees. The least surveilled people on the planet will be the people who own the surveillance.

To me it's always interesting because I perceive this all as theater. Historically and statistically speaking, the weird behavior would be if these people weren't spying on each other but then when someone gets caught they all have to pretend it's a scandal because otherwise they would be saying the quiet part out loud that nobody has had any privacy for a long time and that the laws simply aren't followed once you reach a certain level of power.

Not saying this justifies any of it, just that it is what I perceive as the status quo.

> that the laws simply aren't followed once you reach a certain level of power.

That works until you're caught, and then you have to be powerful enough to get out of it, or have someone involved powerful enough to protect you from the consequences. When 'everyone' is in on it, who is going to get you in trouble? Maybe the next guy, maybe you have time to bury all the evidence before then. Obviously a risk people were willing to take to achieve their political goals.

So, if one is engaged in "real stuff", then one expects comms probably involve many physical couriers and in-person meetings.

My country (Switzerland) contributes to making Pegasus a profitable business.


What about yours?

Israel is having its little ending of "Enemy of the State" moment where untouchable people realize they could have been spied on.

Let'em taste their own venom.

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