Apple has always been one to do what THEY think is best, and then make everybody follow along. They did it with iOS and flash, basically saying "hey we don't like this, you shouldn't either, so we aren't going to let you use it." for better or for worse, this has always been Apple's Modus Operandi, and whether or not you believe in it, judging by their stock prices, it's worked.
One of the biggest killers of the iPod is the fact that the iPhone is no longer exclusive to AT&T. How many millions of people bought an iPod because they had Verizon and didn't feel like dealing with AT&T? This is only going to get worse with the iPhone 5, which will presumably be on all major carriers.
I think the emergence of Android has made all altogether killing the iPod unrealistic. I have yet to see an Android phone that handles music as well as the iPod does, and Apple knows this. I think what is going to happen is that Apple will revamp the line again in a year or so, and do something to make it relevant. I would say the iPod touch, ironically enough, is the one in the most danger of being killed off, what with it's big brother iPad owning the tablet market and the iPhone doing everything that it does and more.
One of the biggest killers of the iPod is the fact that the iPhone is no longer exclusive to AT&T. How many millions of people bought an iPod because they had Verizon and didn't feel like dealing with AT&T? This is only going to get worse with the iPhone 5, which will presumably be on all major carriers.
I think the emergence of Android has made all altogether killing the iPod unrealistic. I have yet to see an Android phone that handles music as well as the iPod does, and Apple knows this. I think what is going to happen is that Apple will revamp the line again in a year or so, and do something to make it relevant. I would say the iPod touch, ironically enough, is the one in the most danger of being killed off, what with it's big brother iPad owning the tablet market and the iPhone doing everything that it does and more.