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I've had the experience of being on the opposite end of the spectrum when I made a joke site[0] that kept the connection open to every connected browser. Needless to say, it got hugged to death in the very first ten minutes.

What got it back up was switching from my homebrew webserver to Nginx and increasing the file descriptor limits. Switching to a battle-tested webserver made all the difference. I'm still not sure how many connections it can keep open now, but I don't have to worry about the static parts of the site going down.

[0] https://youcantdownloadthisimage.online/

Firefox user here. Right click on image -> Open image in new tab. Then kill the connection and could "Save Image as" just fine. Or print screen it and get it in PBrush.

> Firefox user here. Right click on image -> Open image in new tab. Then kill the connection and could "Save Image as" just fine.

That doesn't work for me.. Firefox just starts a new download for the image and it never finishes. Sometimes it seems to flush about 32KB to the disk, giving you half of the image, but the rest must still be waiting in buffers.

Maybe because in my case Firefox is augmented with uBlock Origin + NoScript + Privacy Badger? I don't know, maybe because I'm on desktop and you're on mobile? No idea, but that's how I can do it.

Downloading your mona lisa worked just fine on my device (Android), in whatever browser telegram opens links in.

Chrome > Inspect > Sources > Right-Click the image > Save image as...

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