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IPhone podcaster app rejected because it duplicates iTunes functionality (almerica.blogspot.com)
27 points by joshstaiger on Sept 12, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

Arbitrary enforcement of unwritten rules. Sounds like a great platform to develop for.

This sounds exactly like the facebook/bebo/myspace/orkut/hi5 platforms.

Nope! But thanks anyway.

Seriously, have you USED those platforms? Have you learned how incredibly open each of those are to applications, to the point where you can duplicate an app's features bit by bit and still get accepted? Or do you just like feeling edgy by hating corporate app systems?

This is like Microsoft banning Firefox because it duplicates Internet Explorer functionality.

Call me crazy but I think Microsoft should be allowed to do just that, and as a result I'm fine with Apple's decision on this (and I rarely defend Apple on anything).


there is a reason Windows dominated the market

Apple's behavior is becoming increasingly sketchy when it comes to approving apps. This is troublesome as I am currently working on a app I hope to get on the store. I'm curious to see how much longer hackers put up with this before there is a total backlash from developers. It is certainly making me rethink about creating apps for their devices.

It's already starting: the developer of Exposure, the Flickr app, announced that he won't code another line for the iPhone until this is fixed out. I'm sure others will follow if there continue to be cases like this.

If they really want their platform to be a universal success they should give developers full freedom to design and sell apps in any way.

If any of you remember it was exactly this kind of behavior that led to failure of early Macs against Windows. (Developer's needed apple's permission to sell apps for the early macs).

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