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Can consciousness be a part of "what one might term the scientific world view" at all? Is there an instrument (or a human expert) capable to measure consciousness and reliably tell a really good neural network vs a conscious human apart? What about a conscious vs an unconscious human?

"what one might term the scientific world view" is great and very practical but not perfect. There certainly are legitimate questions it probably has no way to address.

I feel pretty skeptical about exploring the nature of consciousness without employing techniques available in Buddhism, psychonetics[1] or something like that. These are fundamentally unscientific (although not imaginary - execution of the practices can be easily detected with EEG) but can at least let us observe the object of the study with at least some basic degree of objectivity, reason about it and do something useful with it.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28838445

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