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Participants' mean age was 69.2±7.01 years

This tells me, when I'm 65, I should definitely be getting flu shots.

That's very much not what it tells you.

So I shouldn't be getting flu shots when I'm 65? Care to expand?

The fact that the group of participants in the study was of a certain age range means that the study says nothing about the result for people outside of that age range.

Much more and better explanation about flu shots here:


That's exactly what I'm saying. The study tells me something about that age range, and nothing about anyone else. So it tells me that it's a good idea to get a flu shot when you reach that age range. What exactly are you trying to say???

> So it tells me that it's a good idea to get a flu shot when you reach that age range.

No, that's not what it tells you. Really, I can't help you if an article that spells this stuff out in great detail results in a response that indicates that you have not understood it, they spent a lot more time on this than I will be able to do in this context.

... The study subjects were in that age range, were they not? I truly don't understand how you could draw conclusions about how a young person should approach flu shots from this study, and I'm not approaching this from a malicious place. If you're not going to converse in good faith, this is probably not the place for you.

Not anti vax, not that it should matter for this argument.

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