I purchased my goods with the express contract that the AppStore will be the only way a developer gets access to Apple's APIs, Libraries, and instruction sets for iPhone.
That's the thesis for a treatise I could write. This breaks the contract I had with them upon purchase.
> I purchased my goods with the express contract that the AppStore will be the only way a developer gets access to Apple's APIs, Libraries, and instruction sets for iPhone.
Any software license you may have purchased is a non-exclusive one. Apple can re-license their own software however they wish.
That’s not true though. Users can already sign and sideload apps from a Mac. It’s just that doing so imposes annoyances (have to manually update apps, and resign every week). Allowing proper sideloading would only eliminate annoyances associated with current capabilities.
That's the thesis for a treatise I could write. This breaks the contract I had with them upon purchase.