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You can always cherry pick news items to depict Israel as bad or as good as you want to. But remember, reality is more complex than what's on the news. While there are some terrible mistakes, Israel's treatment of Ethiopian Jews is definitely not terrible.

>While there are some terrible mistakes, Israel's treatment of Ethiopian Jews is definitely not terrible.

Our definition of 'not terrible' surely must be different.

I first became aware of the issues this community faces when the news broke last decade about the government sterilizing immigrant Ethiopian women without their knowledge or consent. A matter of record: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-ethiopians-fool...

How about the time when Israel rescued some 14,000 people of this community in 36 hours from Addis Ababa just before rebel forces arrived at the city?

Israel made some great things for this community and it made some awful things as well.

My point is that if you get your information only from the news than you are bound to get a biased picture of reality.

>How about the time when Israel rescued some 14,000 people of this community in 36 hours from Addis Ababa just before rebel forces arrived at the city?

It was convienent for the regime to do this back then and they left those people to rot as second class citizens. Now that a cold war situation isn't applicable, where is Israel to airlift those in recent conflicts? What support do they get when they arrive? Stop playing out tired old stories from many decades ago, the past is the past, let's get current and see where the work is going?

>My point is that if you get your information only from the news than you are bound to get a biased picture of reality.

You have done nothing to show me that my assessment on this is wrong. Instead you've chosen this dishonest form of argument and been vague this entire time.

Tell us a story then from the ground? You've got a short post history on HN and since this seems to have struck a nerve for you, I'm quite certain you can tell us what good your country is doing for these people. I linked a colonial state news source, an American Jewish news source, and an Israeli news source. You've kept it to vague smears, I'm curious and I want to hear the opposing mindset. So far you've given me nothing of substance, I'm disappointed.

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