I'd realy like this to work for me, but my memory isn't that good. So what ends up happening is I often can only remember paraphrases, or I can only remember the media type (e.g. video, blog post, repository)... I'd kill to have a system that allows you to just save content like that and then apply all sorts of such "soft" filters ("hints" or "guesses" instead of verbatim search).
> Retrieve the information based on some word I might remember
See, your memory is using some words as index to access stored information. And it's indexing it asap (well, some re-indexing probably happens when we sleep). Thus, I don't think an efficient digital memory extender can work without active human participation in indexing. Otherwise, it will produce a lot of garbage.
1-Store the information very quickly, without typing any additional text, so no tags and no annotations
2-Retrieve the information based on some word I might remember from the previously saved text or based on an approximate date
#1 happens a lot so I don’t want to spend time annotating or tagging information (ie click save and forget…)
#2 is much less frequent and when I really need the info, I can spend a bit of time to craft my criteria for a search
Making #1 laborious or painful is a nonstarter for me. Anyone else on the same boat?