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If that was the punishment, what would you (hypothetical, no evidence it happened) do about his sister, best friend and college roommate all having won in the past year? Or the money he already spent or moved out of the country?

I'm a fan of sophisticated white collar criminals going to jail for longer, and drug users and nonviolent dealers not.

> sister, best friend and college roommate all having one

If proven guilty - the same.

> Or the money he already spent or moved out of the country?

I dunno. Whatever. Take all but the essential belongings he has perhaps. Force to more labor. Adding prison years will hardly serve any good purpose anyway.

> I'm a fan of sophisticated white collar criminals going to jail for longer, and drug users and nonviolent dealers not.

Me too. But white collar criminals gaming the state and their own employees are one thing, a lottery - another. In general I'd leave anything about lotteries to be free wild west. A lottery is a gamble, whoever chooses to take any part in a lottery takes the risk. As long as there is no violence taking place I actually don't think it's necessary to interfere at all.

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