Meanwhile 100000 russian troops is being placed around ukraine border, 20% of russian households does not have indoor plumbing and some of people I know still does not believe in pandemic.
Im not sure where Im going with this but somehow I feel that that You should not mistake Your inner optimism with what is really going out there.
Remember Afghanistan vUSSR, Chechnya, and Ukraine v1.0?
I'm Australian. I see Russian aggression in the Ukraine in a historical context that includes a lot of proxy wars very far away from me. Sure, it probably sucks to be Ukrainian right now, but they're ~44 million out of ~7.8 billion. Maybe one day it will be our turn to be invaded, and that will be very bad for us, but I hope my inner pessimism won't be confused for what is really going on out there.
Its not that far, world is really small. For me its even worse because I live only few hundred kilometers from Ukraine border (its only half a day drive by tank if I calculate correctly).
And wars sometimes have tendency to extend their reach beyond what You would expect. If I remeber correctly Tobruk was defended by 14000 Aussies (and I think that was way before any kind of attack on Australia took place).
Im not sure where Im going with this but somehow I feel that that You should not mistake Your inner optimism with what is really going out there.