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If you look at some of the other major FF franchises, its a combination of brooding angsty teen guy and an incoherent story that seems like a committee couldn’t figure out how to wrap up. Entertaining in their own right because usually something in their story has profound impact anyway, but FF6 stands out in this regard because its a well crafted and impactful story without the angst and strangeness.

I see. Yeah, I've played plenty of JRPGs and have noticed similar patterns in them overall. I wonder if there isn't a connection between their storytelling, fanbase and a phenomena called "Chuunibyo", literally "second year middle school sickness" (which can apply to anyone of any age) where someone does tons of ruminating, brooding, angsting on things like some young teens. It's a condition I've been accused of having! My suspicion is there's a real important connection to that and the coming of age story in the society that produces these games.

Oh definitely, they are totally pandering to their “nobody gets me” audience. FF6 has different tropes that you might have seen elsewhere plenty of times, but its really hard not to say anything.

But you should really play it, I mean just that intro act alone! On a Super Nintendo!? Peak Squaresoft. There was a time when they really pushed hardware and did it really well as a cohesive score, this is one of them.

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