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And how many people let grandma or grandpa say the absolute nastiest things in the name of "harmony".

I can assure you, the person being attacked doesn't think its very harmonious. And having even one person stand up and say "That's unacceptable" can help the mental state of that victim tremendously.

I will let most things pass until some gets targeted. Then I'm not so quiet anymore.

In addition, silence gives consent. If nobody challenges a belief, then it "becomes apparent" that everybody agrees. That may not be true, but unless a single person steps up, everybody else may stay quiet.

You only need a few vocal, motivated people willing to cow everybody into submission if nobody ever voices opposition.

Yep. Agreed. There comes a point at which silence is no longer an option. Navigating family gatherings has probably always been treacherous. Hard to know when to remain silent, and commiserate later with the obvious target of undeserved criticism, and when it's egregious enough to say, "No more!"

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