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Ask HN: How do I get my app past the play store review?
3 points by lecarore on Jan 31, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

I'm a web dev, but learned to program android apps in Kotlin this year. I've built an app that lets me send SMS from the web, like google messages or push bullet, for example. I submitted it for review with a video explanation ( https://youtu.be/p3SDfcEGexc ) but the rejection I got was really not helpful :

"Unable to verify core functionality of app: Video Error When you submitted your app, you specified your app's core functionality as follows: Cross-device synchronization or transfer of SMS or calls. However, we couldn’t find evidence in your video that the app offers the declared core functionality "

I don't get it, because to me the video clearly shows what my app does and why it needs access to contacts and SMS. It feels like they didn't even watch it. Should I make some of those permissions optional ? Is it just random, and I should resubmit with minor tweaks ? Is it because I'm a new dev account with no other app published ? Overall, this interaction with Google feels awful and makes me regret the hours I invested into learning Kotlin.

Yes, reword that. "Cross-device synchronization" is not a core function, is it? Sending SMS from the web appears to be the only function you are demonstrating. By the way, SMS handling is a sensitive topic. Don't be surprised if Google gives you a hard time about this.

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