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> 2. The command will be echoed to your history file.

Important caveat: this goes into an in-memory history buffer; the history file is written when bash exits. This means that if you have multiple shells open, you will lose the history from all but the last shell to exit.

Yes! If you want to maintain a full history (and you should!), you can make bash consistently log it:

    promptFunc() {
        # right before prompting for the next command, save the previous
        # command in a file.
        echo "$(date +%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S) $(hostname) $PWD $(history 1)" \
          >> ~/.full_history

Instead of using that echo, you can tell bash to append the history:

    history -a
Setting the histappend option does the append thing on exit:

    shopt -s histappend
Instead of the ~/.full_history file you can just set your normal history to infinite:


Unfortunately, with this approach it only takes one invocation of bash without your .bashrc (or otherwise without HISTFILESIZE=-1) to truncate your history to 500 lines:

    $ man bash
         The  maximum number of lines contained in the history file.
         When this variable is assigned a value, the history file is
         truncated, if necessary, by removing the oldest entries, to
         contain no more than that number  of  lines.   The  default
         value  is  500.  The history file is also truncated to this
         size after writing it when an interactive shell exits.
(I also like that with my approach I also get the timestamp and current direct rate.)

It is for this reason that I also keep my bash history in git. I know other folks that do this too. There have also been solutions on HN in recent months for keeping your shell history in an sqlite database.

This will write duplicated entries to the file. Do you remove them on shell startup?

Since shell commands aren't necessarily (or even usually) idempotent, if I'm trying to figure out what I did earlier duplicate entries are still good to have.

The history will not be written if either the shell/OS crashes, or if you `unset HIST_FILE` before exiting the shell.

Also, in most common cases, won’t be written to history file if the command is prefixed with a space (see HISTCONTROL).

You have a typo: it should be `HISTFILE`, not `HIST_FILE`.

> or if you `unset HIST_FILE`

I figured I'd learn something by putting in the "I'd love to know others" bit, but this is something I didn't know I could do, and is genuinely useful to know!

No, it will append the newly run commands. Or at least on SUSE it does, maybe other distros configure it differently.

The .bash_history truncation feature of bash I find quite annoying

I am used to NetBSD's ash where I set HISTSIZE very high in .profile and save history with

   fc -l 0 > .history
With NetBSD I never "lose the history from all but the last shell to exit". I write history files when and where I want them written. (The irony is I am more likely to lose history if using bash, which auto-saves it, than I am when using ash, which does not. As GP suggests, bash is needlessly complicated.)

A large number of GNU/Linux use a fork of NetBSD's ash called dash. It is the installed default scripting shell on Debian, Ubuntu, etc. and the default shell in Busybox, OpenWRT, etc.


Dash can be compiled with history support using libedit.^1 The static dash binary I use is 448k compiled with musl.

Dash is not as nice as NetBSD's ash for interactive use. For example, there's no tab completion in dash^2, hash -v does not work despite being listed in the manpage; there are various other small differences. In any event, I am using it as an interactive shell.

The Debian project decided dash is faster than bash as a scripting shell. For me, it is also faster as an interactive shell, because I am used to libedit and most of the interactive use I do is editing and running scripts/command line history

1. Instructions

   # install libedit - may already be installed for other programs such as openssh or sqlite
   wget https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/utils/dash/dash.git/snapshot/dash-
   tar xzf dash-
   cd dash-
   ./configure --with-libedit
   cd src
   gcc -static -Wall -g -O2 -o dash alias.o arith_yacc.o arith_yylex.o cd.o error.o eval.o exec.o expand.o histedit.o input.o jobs.o mail.o main.o memalloc.o miscbltin.o mystring.o options.o parser.o redir.o show.o trap.o output.o bltin/printf.o system.o bltin/test.o bltin/times.o var.o builtins.o init.o nodes.o signames.o syntax.o -ledit -lcurses
2. Mostly I just use globbing instead. If I absolutely must have tab completion, I use tcsh. If I am not mistaken, tcsh was the first shell to offer that feature. I find it is the fastest of any shell when it comes to filename completion

s/tcsh was the first/& UNIX/

It took the command completion idea from TENEX and TOPS-20

This is the default, but you can get around this behavior by writing to history immediately.

How do you do that?

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