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Hey - I wanted to say that I came across a comment of yours from more than a decade ago (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2328627), and I was startled at how accurate it is as a prediction of how parsers and IDEs are combined today, about 11 years later. I'm glad you're still commenting on here (and what a criminal understatement it is for that page to characterise their tool's flaws as "timing information is less accurate" - that's bloody execution order that you're talking about!).

Anyway, I wanted to say how much I appreciate your comment of 10 years ago. I'm also a parser nerd, and a performance nerd, and I feel strongly that programmers have a professional responsibility to write code in a way that expresses our intent by a logical minimum of instructions/work. I strongly suspect that this will become important again in the future, not because the ratio of software-efficiency to hardware-power decreases again, but because climate concerns will drive us to measure our code in performance-per-watt rather than performance-per-dollar (depending on what action is taken on carbon pricing, it may be a distinction without a difference).

I look forward to the day when grossly inefficient software is rightly considered to be as unacceptable as grossly inefficient SUVs, and people in our profession are forced to take responsibility for the damage that their obscenely inefficient crap is doing. I hope Python 4 comes with a snorkel.

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