Netflix is the one recurring bill on my credit card. I like the company and think it has great customer service. I trust the company. I don't want multiple recurring charges on my credit card. The more paid accounts a person has the more likely it is that an account will be forgotten about.
Also, it would be a pain to find out a movie isn't available for streaming and then having to login to another account to put the movie in its cue. And I don't want to browse DVDs and put one in my queue when it's available for streaming.
But its not a new company. Its the same organization headed by the same person with the same employees as before. There is just some different branding.
The new branding includes a CEO and it's being billed separately. Not to mention being completely separated online (no shared ratings or searching). It's a different company.
Also, it would be a pain to find out a movie isn't available for streaming and then having to login to another account to put the movie in its cue. And I don't want to browse DVDs and put one in my queue when it's available for streaming.