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I'm with you on this.

I don't remember much of algo questions before 2010 outside of actual GOOG. If anything, OOP design like "for a game of chess" were common in LNKD-like companies. And j.u.c-like real life knowledge.

I remember being asked to implement quick sort or reverse a list in 2010 or so. Then to do DFS on a graph or detect all connected subareas of a matrix in 2015. DP questions were so new I din't know what they were back then. I had interviews last year with two out of three rounds being DP puzzles.

I don't know about junior engineers but I want to go outside at least on weekends and not think much about computers. So the hours I have for "studying" can be spent either on learning something new and useful (Flink? ML? golang generics?) or memorizing this mindless leetcoding. I've done development for too long to have any interest in algo trivia or problems not based in real life situations.

I would say going further back in time, for example, MSFT during the early 2000s, the interviews were far worse, it was "fermi" types of questions (e.g, https://www.innovativeteachingideas.com/blog/an-excellent-co...)

Often the same thing in for example, typical wall street firms before 2008.

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