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I don't know if he is racist or not. I do believe that he pushes racist values and beliefs. For example, this article he wrote, which is basically just a collection of dig whistles: https://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/ben-shapiro/ben-shapiro-c...

He makes this statement in that article: "Any incident of white-cop-on-black-suspect violence must be chalked up to the racist system" -- as an attempt to discredit system racism. Only those on the far right believe this. I don't believe Ben himself believes this, but I do believe that he understands that his target market loves it. It's an absurd statement.

The whole article completely misses what system racism is about and why its a useful construct to eliminate racism. Again, Ben seems like a relatively bright guy who I think probably actually understands it. I think that his financial interest is in not understanding, convoluting it, and selling to a group that is willing to suck this up.

The old timey values group wants us to stop talking about all this race stuff. Blacks have it better now than ever before -- what more do they want?! And don't get them stated on the gays and Muslims. But Shapiro pushes it in a way that outright racists can read it and say, "Hey this respectable guy says what I think -- except he uses Harvard JD words to say it!"

The phrase

> Only those on the far right believe this

I as hyperbolic as the phrase you are critical of, and equally absurd.

I don't think its hyperbole nearly at all. Maybe the term "far" is a bit hyperbolic. Would it be more accurate to say, "Only those on the right believe this"? To be clear, I'm not saying everyone on the right believes this, but rather of the group that does believe it -- they sit in the right.

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