It's woke nonsense. These tests are obviously color blind.
And I bet Asians (a minority) , as usual, do better on them on average than the white candidates. Not because the tests are designed for Asians, but because of culture of studying hard.
So their argument is "Asians are diverse, with a wide range of earnings, therefore it's myth". Sorry, but it makes zero sense. You should stop reading obvious illogical propaganda from race activists.
Also Asians isn't the only minority group that outperforms whites.
HN won't let me reply to the parent, but I thought your model minority myth was potentially interesting.
In this case, it just doesn't stand up to facts. Yes, Asians have greater income disparity, because the top 1% of Asians are way at the top 1%. According to the U.S. Census ( in every single year, Asians have out-incomed White and all-race averages in the 20th, 40th, 60th, 80th, and 95th percentiles.
That's a pretty compelling picture of "Asians make more money than whites," full stop.
It really bums me out when people reach for this kind of "how are you not getting this" slight. You could have just explained the reasoning without implying that the asker is an idiot. You're just making yourself harder to hear.
I read that to mean that the tests are geared towards white candidates! Is that really what you mean? Coz I can't wrap my head around that!