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There are certainly languages that test whether this is possible. J comes to mind: https://www.jsoftware.com/#/README

Here's something like the tenth or fifteenth chunk of code I wrote in J. It solves a programming puzzle. I doubt people who have mastered J would call it well-written, but it solves the problem.

  list=:_9]\33 30 10 _6 18 _7 _11 23 _6 16 _19 9 _26 _8 _19 _8 _21 _14 17 12 _14 31 _30 13 _13 19 16 _6 _11 1 17 _12 _4 _7 14 _21 18 _31 34 _22 17 _19 20 24 6 33 _18 17 _15 31 _5 3 27 _3 _18 _20 _18 31 6 4 _2 _12 24 27 14 4 _29 _3 5 _29 8 _12 _15 _7 _23 23 _9 _8 6 8 _12 33 _23 _19 _4 _8 _7 11 _12 31 _20 19 _15 _30 11 32 7 14 _5 _23 18 _32 _2 _31 _7 8 24 16 32 _4 _10 _14 _6 _1 0 23 23 25 0 _23 22 12 28 _27 15 4 _30 _13 _16 _3 _3 _32 _3 27 _31 22 1 26 4 _2 _13 26 17 14 _9 _18 3 _20 _27 _32 _11 27 13 _17 33 _7 19 _32 13 _31 _2 _24 _31 27 _31 _29 15 2 29 _15 33 _18 _23 15 28 0 30 _4 12 _32 _3 34 27 _25 _18 26 1 34 26 _21 _31 _10 _13 _30 _17 _12 _26 31 23 _31 _19 21 _17 _10 2 _23 23 _3 6 0 _3 _32 0 _10 _25 14 _19 9 14 _27 20 15 _5 _27 18 11 _6 24 7 _17 26 20 _31 _25 _25 4 _16 30 33 23 _4 _4 23
  sumOfRows =: ([: +/"1 [: |: ] \* [: |: _1 + 2 \* [: #: [: i. 2 ^ #)"1 list
  rowSigns =: (;/@:,/@:>)"2 {|:(_1;_1 1;1) {~ (_1&<+0&<) sumOfRows
  candidates =:,/((_4]\4#"3 (_1 + 2 \* #:i.2^9) (\* &. |:)" 1 _ list)  \* (>rowSigns))
  theAnswers =: (] #~ [: (0&<@:+/@:(0&<) \* \*/@:(_1&<)) [: |: +/"2) candidates
  theSums =: +/"1 +/"1 theAnswers
  theBestAnswer =: ~. ((theSums = ] theBestSum =: <./ theSums) # theAnswers)
In case anyone wants an explanation: https://gcanyon.wordpress.com/2009/10/30/a-solution-to-einav...

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