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Yes, you are correct. But you are wrong too.

People need complete understanding of their tools. And complete understanding includes both how to use the concepts they represent and how those concepts map into real world objects. If you don't know both of those, you will be caught by surprise in a situation where you can't understand what is happening.

That focus on the high level only is the reason we had a generation of C++ developers that didn't understand the v-table while being perfectly capable of creating one by hand. It's also why we have framework-only developers that can't write the exact same code outside of the magical framework, even when it's adding no value at all.

IMO this is very elitist view of software developers' job.

The analogy from tangible world would be all the bridge engineers using "proven" / "boring" / "regulator endorsed" practices and techniques to build a "standard" bridge versus those constantly pushing the limits of materials and construction machines to build another World-Wonder-Bridge. There is nothing wrong with having both types of engineers.

> There is nothing wrong with having both types of engineers.

Acksherly, yes there is. In this context, there is: The world doesn't need engineers "constantly pushing the limits of materials" when building bridges; let's stick with proven, boring, regulator endorsed practices and techniques for that.

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