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Just a quick word about polish notation:

The only reason why humans seem to prefer infix notation, is because it is what's being taught in school. The first mathematical expressions most people get to see is

    1 + 1
There is no reason why someone who was introduced to

    + 1 1
at an early age would find it less "natural" than infix. I think the only reason why infix is the dominant notation is historical: Prefix notation relies on getting whitespace right as a deliminator, and that is a lot tougher to do in handwriting. Infix solved this problem by (ab)using the operator as a deliminator.

That is not necessarily true. the first tells me we are starting with 1 apple and adding another one. the second tells me that we are starting with Adding? Adding what? We never start with an action without having a object/subject in mind.

You are still starting from your own learned context. Other languages than English have different word order conventions. As a simple extreme example, in classical Latin the main verb generally is placed last in the sentence.

White space is bad for readability anyways. I don't think that would be doable.

> White space is bad for readability anyways.


Or this one in the next line?

I meant in the context of programming.

Ancient texts always seem to have no word breaks, they're just a solid wall of letters.

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