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> how you regulate this so companies don't gouge "owners" for aftermarket services.

For starters, it's not aftermarket! since the tractor belongs to JD, and it is licensed to the customer, and it failed to work because a wire got wet (shitty design), and only JD can determine and repair it ... that should be JD's cost, not the owner's.

>harsh truth

A harsher one: JD has a monopoly and is using it to strangle its own small business customers. Feels good to see it get run past Sherman - better to see it get run over.

  > that should be JD's cost, not the owner's.
Manufacturer warranty is limited, mostly in time. Even when some components are poorly designed. The Renault / Nissan CVT is a famous example of this: known problematic transmission that typically dies out of warranty. I could give you literally tens of examples off the top of my head in the consumer automotive industry alone.

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