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Ask HN: Social media publicize in a cheap and cloud way
1 point by daitangio on Jan 23, 2022 | hide | past | favorite
I was searching some way to publicize my blog article. I was searching a simple solution, not necessary free, to integrate with social media. In the past days I tried Zapier, Microsoft Power Automate and IFTTT (f this, then that).

My budget is around 5 euros/month given the simple task (I could be able to do it on myself but I will need to register on the various services my library, be careful not to get banned etc). So a ready-made solution seems a good idea.

I am not an expert on this field but I was shocked by the cost of Zapier and Power Automate, given the complexity to do simple things like publicizing posts or creating keyword alert.

I know they are complex tools but...

IFTTT seems more focused, easy to use and cheap so the question is: what do you suggest for this task?

There is some open source library I can mock or IFTTT is a good candidate? Did I miss some other option? Thank you!

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