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As you wish, Java-Cocoa bridge could have never replaced Objective-C, when writing Objective-C was still part of the game to actually use it.

Do you actually believe that Jobs liked Java, when Apple was created on top of Object Pascal and C++, and then he was responsible for bringing Brad Cox to NeXT?

Yeah, given the crap they were sending in the monthly discs to developers at the time. They certainly seemed like we should of took Java seriously. I was rather annoyed given I had learned Objective-C on NeXTSTEP. I'm glad that someone realized it was not substitute, but they did push it. Jobs hated it later, but he changed his mind on things fairly often given just looking at iPod features.

How could Java be a substitute when Cocoa bridge only allowed for a subset of OS X frameworks to be called from it?

Java was already available on System 7.

Well, it sure didn't, but the messaging in those CD-ROMs was pretty obvious and I suppose they would have expanded it if someone didn't realize it was a lost cause. I didn't develop for Macs until Apple bought NeXT, so I don't know what was available for System 7.

Sometimes one understands what they think they want to understand.

Java was definitely not on the picture when Apple went to CERN doing their OS X marketing sessions.

In fact, you now made me dig out some stuff.



> This document discusses issues that arise when writing Java applications with Cocoa, which is implemented in Objective-C.

No Java here on the OS X announcement:


The only message was Java being first party on OS X, as in the System 7 days, the JVM was not from Apple rather a third party. Thus the announcement at JavaONE 2000.


You will not find in those CDs anything like this:

> Swift is a successor to both the C and Objective-C languages. It includes low-level primitives such as types, flow control, and operators. It also provides object-oriented features such as classes, protocols, and generics, giving Cocoa and Cocoa Touch developers the performance and power they demand.


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