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It’s a sound point. Even a very small edge in precognition or mind reading (no matter how unreliable) would allow hedge funds to beat the market and make a killing. Ergo these effects do not exist because nobody is doing this.

Mind reading doesn't seem terribly useful if it is in a relatively small radius.

But you could do that, or just make enough money gambling in poker rooms and racetracks.

Hell, if you could see a few days into the future, it might be smartest to just break that out when the lottery gets big enough one time.

> Even a very small edge in precognition or mind reading (no matter how unreliable) would allow hedge funds to beat the market and make a killing. Ergo these effects do not exist because nobody is doing this.

It is known that many people who consider that they might have psychic powers are on the highly sensitive side.

Knowing people who are highly sensitive, I can easily imagine that the enormous stress, pressure and greed in a hedge fund environment would make hedge funds a horrible work environment for such people.

Just to play devil's advocate, how do you know they're not? A psychic hedge fund manager wouldn't necessarily reveal their secret.

A single psychic hedge fund manager wouldn't reveal themselves, but as an industry if you're trying to hire psychics it would not be possible to keep this fact secret.

Because hedge funds don't beat the market for more than a year or two at a time, no one does. It's all a scam. Nothing beats just holding index funds.

Renaissance's Medallion fund, net fees, has beat the market almost every year since 1990. Twice by more than 100 percentage points.

Maybe Simons is psychic and all the quant stuff is just a coverup.

If you fail too hard at investing you have to quit, but if you’re too successful you also quit because you retire or the technique doesn’t work for too large a fund.

Note, “just hold index funds” as a strategy should be dominated by “borrow a lot of money and put it in index funds” by the same arguments. Don’t see robos offering that though.

That's only true on average.

Hedge funds do beat the market, individually. Steve Cohen probably has psychic powers.

> Steve Cohen probably has psychic powers.

What about his track record cannot be adequately explained by mundane insider trading?

Edit: Puzzled by the downvotes. I think it's entirely fair to ask whether Cohen is enough of an outlier that it requires a psychic explanation, even after accounting for the degree of success that can be reasonably attributed to luck and non-psychic skill (effects which other hedge fund managers are also subject to) plus the insider trading he's been involved in (which other hedge fund managers are not necessarily subject to).

In a world with a finite number of hedge fund managers, there is always going to be somebody who is the most successful out of the bunch, and that somebody is almost certainly going to appear to be an outlier even without a supernatural influence on their success. So before attributing anything to psychic powers, we first have to establish whether he's too successful to be accounted for by the non-psychic explanations. I genuinely don't know enough about Steve Cohen's track record to know whether he's that much of an outlier, and I'd appreciate some real information about the degree of his success rather than just downvoting.

Actually this only shows that this specific form does not exist, or has not been discovered, or possibly something else both of us have overlooked.

Some hedge funds do make a killing.

You can't prove they aren't using paranormal powers.

Ergo the case isn't closed yet.

Warren Buffet has done quite well. So maybe it exists but only one person in the world is capable of it.

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